Account Homepage Actions

Account Homepage Actions

There are a few actions that only the Account Manager can perform on the Account Homepage. We'll take a look at them in this section.

The Securin Homepage Actions

Switching Accounts

The Account User option on the top right corner shows the details of the user such as the user's name, email address, user's role in the organization, and accounts. 

You can also switch accounts by clicking the name of the account you want to switch to. The sign-out button logs you out of the platform.


                                  Account Details

Help Section

The Help Section contains links to the Knowledge Base, Contact Page, and the Release Notes.

The Help Section

The Search bar allows to search for CVEs, workspaces, IPs, etc on an account level. 

Omni Search Bar

The comprehensive results with the relevant links will be displayed in the results page. 

                    Omni Search Results

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