Asset Actions - Refresh Assets

Asset Actions - Refresh Assets

Refreshing assets within a workspace is a valuable action that allows you to verify and update the information associated with them. This guide will walk you through the process of refreshing assets, whether you want to refresh a particular asset or multiple assets within a workspace. 

Step 1: Refreshing a Specific Asset

  1. Locate the asset that you want to refresh within the workspace.
  2. At the right end of the asset entry, look for the Refresh Asset icon. This icon is typically represented as a circular arrow or a refresh symbol.
  3. Click on the Refresh Asset icon to initiate the refresh process.

                                                         Refresh Assets View Entry1

Step 2: Refreshing Multiple Assets in a Workspace

  1. If you want to refresh multiple assets within a workspace, navigate to the workspace where the assets are located.
  2. Look for the Refresh icon next to the workspace name. This icon is typically represented as a circular arrow or a refresh symbol.
  3. Select the desired assets by checking the corresponding checkboxes next to their names.
  4. Once the assets are selected, click on the Refresh icon next to the workspace name to initiate the refresh process for the selected assets.

                                                       Refresh Assets View Entry2                                                                                           

By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can easily refresh a specific asset or multiple assets within a workspace. This allows you to verify changes, validate configurations, and maintain accurate data for effective asset management.

Interpreting the Refresh Action Status in the Asset List

In this section, we will delve into understanding the various statuses associated with the refresh action in the asset list view. This will help users effectively monitor the progress of their scans.

The Status Column
In the asset list view, you will notice a dedicated "Status" column. This column plays a pivotal role in indicating the current status of a scan.

Two primary statuses are associated with the refresh action:
  1. Success: When the scan has been executed successfully and all necessary data has been collected, the status will be marked as "Success." This indicates that the refresh action has achieved its objective without any issues.
  2. Scheduled: Conversely, when a scan has been scheduled to run but has not yet been completed, the status will be labeled as "Scheduled." This signifies that the refresh action has been initiated and is in the queue to be executed.
Understanding the Transition
It is essential to comprehend how the status transitions occur during the execution of the refresh action:
  1. Initiation: When a user triggers the refresh action, the asset's status is initially set to "Scheduled." This implies that the scan request has been received and is waiting to be processed.
  2. Completion: Once the scan process is successfully completed, the status transitions from "Scheduled" to "Success." This change reflects that the refresh action has fulfilled its task, and the asset's data is now up to date.
By keeping an eye on the "Status" column in the asset list view, users can easily monitor the progress and outcome of their refresh actions. The "Success" status indicates a completed and successful scan, while the "Scheduled" status represents an ongoing or queued scan. Understanding these statuses will enable users to effectively manage and track the refresh actions within their system.
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