Asset Actions - Sharing Assets

Asset Actions - Sharing Assets

Sharing Assets Across Workspaces

The Share Asset option offers a powerful solution for enhancing the visibility of assets across different workspaces. This feature provides a streamlined way to share asset details and dependencies between workspaces, facilitating improved collaboration while maintaining the integrity of ownership and management. The Share Asset option does not transfer ownership or allow direct management of assets (e.g., changing the criticality, resolving exposures, etc.) in the new workspace. It enables the users of a dependent or associated workspace to view the risk factors of the asset.

For example: Workspace A has an asset that does not belong to Workspace B but has a few dependent assets that are associated with it. In this case, Workspace A will share the asset with Workspace B but will not allow it resolve exposures or perform any other actions pertaining to it.

Steps to Share an Asset

1. Select the Asset

  1. Start by navigating to the menu and identifying the asset you intend to share. 
  2. Click on the checkbox next to the asset to highlight it for the upcoming action.

2. Click the Share Icon:

  1. Once the desired asset is selected, locate and click on the "Share" icon. 
  2. This action initiates the process of providing visibility of the asset into a different workspace.

Share Asset Icon

3. Provide Relevant Details:

  1. A dialog box will appear, prompting you to enter the relevant information for the asset's visibility
  2. This is where you can define the specific sharing details. 

Details of the Asset to Be Shared

Note: Additionally, any dependent assets, associations, and exposures associated with the selected asset will be listed in this dialog box and will also be copied to the new workspace alongside the asset.

4. Select Target Workspace:

  1. From the dropdown menu, choose the workspace to which you intend to share the asset. 

5. Add a Reason:

  1. Provide a reason for sharing the asset. 
  2. This explanation helps track and understand the rationale behind granting visibility in the new workspace.

6. Initiate the Share:

  1. Once all details are accurately provided, click the "Share" button to initiate the asset sharing process. 
  2. The duration of the process may vary depending on the number of assets and exposures involved.

Details of the Asset to Be Moved

Once the process is completed, the assets will also appear under the Assets Dashboard of the new workspace.

  1. Visibility and Access: After the asset has been successfully shared, it will still be visible in the original workspace. Asset criticality and other asset actions can be changed in the original workspace. Similarity, exposures can be managed only in the original workspace. Changes made in the original workspace will be reflected in the new workspace. However, under asset actions, tags can be added or removed from the asset in the new workspace.
  2. Asset Details in Dashboards: The details or metrics of the shared assets will not be included in any of the dashboard widgets or factored in the statistics of the key exposuress of the new workspace. By default, all the dashboard metrics are filtered for owned assets.
  3. Dependent Domains: If new assets are created as dependencies for the main asset, these assets will automatically become accessible in the new workspace to which the main asset was shared. This ensures that all interconnected components remain readily available and organized.

Visual Indicators: Shared assets are distinguishable by a group share icon, as depicted below:

Shared Asset

Furthermore, both owned and shared assets are denoted by a group share icon and a star, as shown in the image below:

Owned and Shared Asset

Share Privilege: Only the owner of an asset holds the privilege to share the asset with another workspace. The asset in the new workspace cannot be further shared or managed.

Greyed-out Assets

Filters: The filters give the option to view assets that you own and that are shared with you exclusively.

Ownership Filters

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