The Home Screen of the Securin platform provides a summary of the overall findings and key exposures.
Here is a breakdown of the different components displayed on the Home Screen:
Key Exposures Summary: This section provides an overview of the key exposures in your workspace. It includes several expandable columns that can be clicked to reveal further details. Each column represents a key metric, and the number of exposures corresponding to that metric is displayed. You can collapse a metric by clicking the upward arrow button.
Key Exposures—Summary
Key Exposures Summary—Detailed
Quick Actions
Quick Actions: This section offers options to take quick actions on the exposures directly from the dropdown menu. You can find instructions on how to perform these actions in this article.
Columns: This section describes the different categories of exposures that can be viewed on the Home Screen. A brief description accompanies each category. The categories include:
Home Screen Findings
By clicking on any of the components mentioned above, you can access a detailed list of exposures related to that specific category.
The Home Screen provides a convenient overview of the essential findings and exposures within your workspace, allowing you to assess and address potential security risks quickly.