Executive Dashboard—Key Exposures

Executive Dashboard—Key Exposures

The Home Screen of the Securin platform provides a summary of the overall findings and key exposures. 

Here is a breakdown of the different components displayed on the Home Screen:

Key Exposures Summary: This section provides an overview of the key exposures in your workspace. It includes several expandable columns that can be clicked to reveal further details. Each column represents a key metric, and the number of exposures corresponding to that metric is displayed. You can collapse a metric by clicking the upward arrow button.

Key ExposuresSummary


                                                                           Key Exposures SummaryDetailed

        Quick Actions

Quick Actions: This section offers options to take quick actions on the exposures directly from the dropdown menu. You can find instructions on how to perform these actions in this article.

Columns: This section describes the different categories of exposures that can be viewed on the Home Screen. A brief description accompanies each category. The categories include:



Exposed Internal Environments

This refers to your testing and production platforms, as well as any other platforms used to host your website and operations. It tracks the number of exposures where the code from these environments may be available to the public. 

High-Risk Services

This category identifies technologies and sites within your network that have critical vulnerabilities and are easily exploitable.

High-Risk Vulnerabilities

Here, you can view the vulnerabilities actively targeted by threat actors, which pose a high risk to your organization. The count of high-risk vulnerabilities present in your network is displayed.

Blocked Assets

This category lists assets associated with denylist sites and identified as potential threats or malicious entities.

Exposed Emails

These show email addresses leaked to the public within the specific workspace.

Email Breaches

This category displays exposed email contents within the workspace.

Expired Certificates

These list expired certificates that need attention or renewal.

Self-Signed Certificates 

This category highlights self-signed certificates within the workspace that may pose a risk of compromise.

Home Screen Findings

By clicking on any of the components mentioned above, you can access a detailed list of exposures related to that specific category.    

The Home Screen provides a convenient overview of the essential findings and exposures within your workspace, allowing you to assess and address potential security risks quickly.

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