Exposure Actions

Exposure Actions

At Securin, we understand the importance of effective vulnerability management in maintaining a secure organizational environment. This knowledge base article provides insights into the six vital operations for managing vulnerabilities and exposures. By implementing these operations, you can streamline your vulnerability management process and prioritize remediation efforts efficiently.

Exposure List View Actions Menu

We have explored how to work with the search screentags, and export functionalities in the Assets View. 

Now, let us delve deeper into the exposure-specific operations. 

With every exposure listed, the following are the six main operations you can perform:

1. Search

You can search for specific exposures using keywords to filter the list and find the desired exposure.

Search bar

2. Tags

You can work with tags for each exposure, allowing you to categorize and organize them based on specific criteria or attributes.

Tags Icon

Exposure List View Additional Actions Menu


3. Create a Ticket

This option enables you to create a ticket in your ticketing tool to address and complete a pending action item related to the exposure. By filling in the necessary details and clicking on "Create a Ticket," you can seamlessly manage the exposure from discovery to remediation within one window.

Create a Ticket for the Exposure 

4. Resolve Exposure

Once you have remediated an exposure in your workspace, you can select the "Resolve Exposure" option. This action allows you to close the exposure officially. You will need to choose a reason for closing the exposure, mark the appropriate checkbox, and provide a summary of the resolution activity in the text box. Clicking "Resolve" will remove the exposure from the list.

Exposure Resolution Details

5. Snooze Exposure

The "Snooze Exposure" option is useful when you have identified a known exposure that you have determined is not critical at the present time or for which you have implemented a manual remediation that the scanner has yet to account for. This feature allows you to temporarily ignore the exposure for a specified duration. 

Accept the Exposure Existence

By selecting the "Snooze Until" button, you can choose a date using a calendar view to indicate until when the exposure should be neglected.

Choose a Date Till When the Exposure Is to Be Disregarded

6. Export

You have the ability to export the exposures to another format or system for further analysis or reporting purposes.


Please note that all these actions can also be accessed individually for each exposure by clicking on the three dots located under the action column in the exposure list view.

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