Understanding the Detailed View

Understanding the Detailed View

The Detailed View screen is one of the most information intensive sections in the Securin application. When you click any row from the Asset View, Technologies View, and Exposures, you are brought to the corresponding Detailed View page, where you can delve further into finer details. 

  • From the Asset View, you are taken to the detailed view of the asset where you can see the exposures on the asset, the tech stacks it runs on and details of asset deployment.

  • From the Exposures View, you are taken to the detailed view of the highlighted exposure, where details of the exposure are provided from integrated scanners, along with impacted assets.

  • From the Technologies View, you are taken to the detailed view of the selected tech stack where details such as vulnerabilities in the tech stack, associated assets and related advisories are enumerated.


Below, we see a sample Assets Detailed View screen.

Assets Detailed View


Let us understand the different components.


Summary Details  

Detailed View Summary


The right side of the Detailed view screen provides an overall summary of the asset. The Asset Type, the asset group/domain it belongs to, the IP addresses assigned to assets, ownership and the port/location of the asset. You can also see the verification status os the asset. For more details on each of these headers, please check the Assets documentation.

Asset Details



The Criticality and Source of the asset can also be seen in the detailed view summary.  This screen details the asset criticality, the source or scanner that identified the asset, when the asset was discovered as active, asset scan status, and tags assigned to the network. You also have the option to modify the criticality of the asset here, to boost or bring it down the priority list, based on organizational context.

Criticality & Source Details

Exposure Details

The left side of the Detailed View screen goes into the details of the exposures seen on the asset and other useful details.

Exposure Details from Detailed View Screen


We have the exposures present on the asset, the tech stacks it communicates with and the identity of the asset.

Securin Detailed View Menus


The Exposures section details the type of exposure, its severity, the risk vector, Securin's Vulnerability Risk Score, Source of the details and the age of the exposure. More details on these attributes can be found in the Exposures document.


Exposures Details


The top 5 exposures can be seen on this main screen. Clicking View All takes you to the comprehensive list of all exposures present in the selected asset/s.


The above screen is the Exposures List View screen, and you can observe that the filter for the given asset is on, implying that  what you can see are the exposures on the given asset. You can play around with this screen as you do theExposures List View.

                                                                                                        Exposures List View



Tech Stack Details

The Tech Stack section details the technology category associated with the asset/exposure, the name of the tech, the deployed version, associated threats and when the tech stack was first seen by the Securin scanner.

Tech Stack Overview



Click View All Tech Stack


All Tech Stack Details

Clicking the Vulnerable block turns on the 'Vulnerable=Yes' filter.


Vulnerable Tech Stack Details




The Who Is section details the user of the asset under the lens. It provides details like who the asset is registered to, when it came into the network, and the address of the asset in the organizational network. The data can be seen in both structured and raw formats.


Below, we can see the Structured Data view of the Who Is section. You can copy paste the data into your personal records for future reference by clicking Copy.

WhoIs Structured Data


Once data is copied, the copy button will indicate that the data is now Copied and available to paste, as necessary.

Structured Data Copied




Below, we see how the Raw Data looks. Notice how this was cleaned up and processed to give an easily readable structured format in the above.

Raw Data View of the Who Is Section


You can also select the IP address of the asset for which you want to view the Who Is details. Click the Select IP dropdown and select the IP address of interest.


Viewing Details for Another IP

IP Address Selection from Dropdown



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