Workspace Actions

Workspaces Actions

The Workspaces section provides a detailed overview of individual workspaces within your account. By clicking on any item in the list, you will be directed to the corresponding workspace, enabling easy navigation and access to specific workspace details.

Creating a Workspace

To create a new workspace, please follow these steps:
  1. Access your Account profile.
  2. Navigate to the "All Workspaces" section.
  3. Click on "Add Workspace" in the Account List View.
  4. Access your Account profile.

                                                                                             Home List View

                                                                  Access Your Account Profile

    1. Navigate to the "All Workspaces" section.

                                                                                                Account List View

    1. Click on "Add Workspace" in the Account List View.

                                                                                    Adding a Workspace 

After successfully adding a new workspace, a notification will appear on the screen, confirming that the workspace has been added successfully. You can now view the newly created workspace in the "All Workspace" view, providing easy access and visibility to all your workspaces in one place.
                                                                                          "All Workspace" View
Please note that as the new workspace does not yet contain any assets, the refresh icon will not be available.

                                                                                    Refresh Workspace

Renaming a Workspace

To modify the name of a workspace, you can click on the kebab menu icon and select "Rename Workspace." This option allows you to customize and reword how the workspace is addressed. 
                                                                  Select Rename Workspace

The process is similar to the Create Workspace option, providing you with a rename window to make the desired changes.
                                                                                                   Rename Workspace

Clicking the workspace name will take you exclusively to the newly created workspace.


Newly Created Workspace

Deleting a Workspace

If you no longer require a workspace, you can delete it by clicking on the kebab menu icon and selecting "Delete Workspace." This option allows for the removal of the workspace and its associated content.

Delete Workspace 

Adding Groups

To organize subsidiaries, vendors, departments, agencies, and other entities within your workspace, it is necessary to create asset groups. Here is how you can add groups:

    1. Navigate to the Groups View of your workspace. You see an empty workspace description.

Newly Created Workspace (Groups View)

  1. Click on "Create Group."

Adding Groups

    1. The Create Group pop-up will appear on the screen.

Create Group (Pop-up)

  1. Enter the Group Name and Description.
  2. Click "Create" to create the group.

We hope this information has been helpful. 

If you have any further questions or require assistance, please feel free to let us know.

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