Workspace Homepage

Workspaces Homepage

This guide takes you through the process of setting up your Securin application once you have signed in, and before you can get started with your data analysis.

Post Sign Up   

On signing up into the Securin platform, you will be logged into your account which will have your primary domain workspace by default. You can create multiple workspaces within your account.

If is the primary domain associated with your email address, Securin considers this your primary domain. As soon as you login, Securin begins a scan of the assets in the signed up domain, and the data of the scan is populated in the App in a few hours (anywhere from 2 to 6 hours, based on the number of assets in the concerned domain).

You will be notified once the data is available in your application.

AccountAn Account is the registered user ID and its associated details. The account domain contains consolidated data from all workspaces within it.

Workspace: A workspace is like a business unit within an account. Multiple workspaces can be created within each account, and the data in a workspace is exclusive to that workspace and cannot be viewed by a user in another workspace.

The Two Created Domains

There are four sections of menus available in the Workspace Homepage. 

The Securin Dashboard

Section 1: Account Details

The dropdown menu here allows you to choose the workspace you want to analyze. The workspace will be defined while running the ASM scan. 

The Securin Dashboard - Workspace

Section 2: Workspace Homepage Menu

These are the different navigation menus/views available to the user. Each of these menus offers a different perspective of the scanned assets.


The Securin Dashboard - Main Menus

  1. Home Screen : Provides a snapshot view of your exposed entities, exposure timeline, remediation and an easy-to-understand funnel to understand your most dangerous exposures.
  2. Discovery Menu : Offers a high-level view of the assets scanned by the ASM and also provides detailed views about their type, classification, distribution and their exposures. It also lists all the tech stacks used within your network, highlighting the exposed ones along with the type and severity of exposure.


                            Discovery Menu

  1. Exposures View : This is a crucial view for organizations as it provides a picture of the exposed attack vectors in the scanned network. From the type of exposure, to the number of assets with each exposure, this page offers a bird's eye view of the potential points of infringement that need to be fixed.
  2. Reports View : All the reports that you have saved, can be accessed under this menu.
  3. Configurations View : This menu lists the settings an admin can make on the platform for user management, security, integrations, and manual upload.

Section 3: Workspace Dashboards

Allows you to view the corresponding data in the form of two dashboards - one with an executive (overall) point-of-view, and the other with an analytical point-of-view, or as a detailed list similar to excel tables.


                                              The Securin Dashboard & Groups View

Section 4: Homepage Actions 

Offers easy and quick actions like search and help options. These are present throughout the platform on all screens. 

The Securin Homepage Actions

The Account User option on the top right corner shows the details of the user - name, email address, user role in the organization, and accounts. 

You can also switch accounts by clicking the name of the account you want to switch to. The Sign-out button logs you out of the platform

                                                                                                                 Account Details

We will look deeper into the other sections in the consecutive articles.


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