The Home Dashboard
The Home Dashboard is the first screen you see when you log in to the Securin platform. It provides a high-level picture of the assets discovered in your network, the exposures seen across them, and the related tech stack and integrations that expose your network to malicious attackers.
On the right corner, you can see a summary of the overall findings from the Securin platform.
Key Exposures Summary
The rows in this column can expand when clicked on the down arrow (which appears when hovering over the KPI) to show the top five items under each KPI.
Key Exposures Summary—Detailed
Below, we list the different findings that you can view on the Home Screen.
Home Screen Findings
The Home dropdown contains two options: Account Dashboard and Workspaces using which you switch between the two views easily.
Home Menu Dropdown
Similarly, you switch between the views using the dropdowns in each menu.
The below screen shows what the Account Home page looks like. As discussed in the Setting Up section, the Account page appears on the screen when you have two or more domains set up within your Securin platform. Thus, you can see just the Home Screen from this view.
Account View
The graphs in the Home Dashboard give you a combined picture of all the exposures across the different configured workspaces in your platform. These are grouped into two sections: An Assets Overview and an Exposures Overview.
Assets Overview provides an overview of the assets in your network.
1) Assets Discovery
An overview of the assets connected to the organizational network
An Overview Of Assets Discovered
The Assets overview window provides a look into the overall assets discovered in your network and what component of these have been identified as having exposures. The assets are grouped by asset category.
2) Asset Hosting
Assets grouped by the mode of deployment
Asset Hosting
This chart provides a breakdown of assets by their mode of deployment or type of hosting. You can see the number of assets deployed on the cloud vs those existing on-prem, and thus plan your remediation cadence accordingly.
3) Cloud Assets
An overview of the different cloud hosting platforms
Cloud Assets
This chart provides a breakdown of assets on the different cloud platforms. You can see the number of assets deployed in each platform.
4) Exposed Services (Critical Risk)
A look at the ports and other open services in the networks that are exposed to attacks
Exposed Services
The Exposed Services chart provides details of the ports that are left open or exposed on the network, providing easy access to hackers with malicious intent. The number of assets with open ports are also listed in the chart, indicating each of these assets are at a risk of exposure to attackers. Being exposed, they are of critical risk to organizations and need to be addressed ASAP.
5) Hosts by Geo Location
A look at the geographical distribution of assets
The Geo Location chart provides a look into the geographical locations across which your assets are connected. You can choose the region from the dropdown and see the number of workspaces available in that region along with the number of assets and exposures in them.
The Exposure Overview section provides an overview of the exposures that exist across the discovered assets.
1) Exposures Breakup
A funnel approach, based on severity, of the exposures in your network
A Funnel Approach—Breakup Of Exposures
The Exposures breakup provides a high-level filtered view of the key exposures that ought to be remediated immediately. It has four levels.
As the order of the graph increases so does the severity of the exposure. The ones at the ransomware stage are most critical and need to be remediated as soon as possible to avoid falling victim to crippling ransomware attacks.
In the funneled approach, each stage of the Exposures Overview highlights exposures by severity—critical, high, medium, and low—and also specifies the number of assets affected by the category of exposures.
2) Exploits
Vulnerabilities with exploits that are highly critical to organizations
Vulnerabilities by Exploits
The Exploits graph provides a view of the vulnerabilities with known exploit codes that could create a huge impact if exploited. Any of these vulnerabilities left unpatched are easy and convenient targets to attackers, providing the maximum gain for them.
There are five categories here mentioned in the order of severity.
3) Exposure Remediation
A look at the exposures that have been remediated over the last six months
A Look at Remediated Exposures
This chart shows the exposures that have been remediated recently and how many assets were impacted by the exposure. A breakdown of the exposure severity is also provided. This can help you measure how your organization's security teams are progressing while also understanding how effective security measures have been.
A table on the right gives you a breakdown of the remediated exposures for the selected month.
The Home Screen has a Workspaces View that provides a list of the different domains that are part of the added workspace.
Workspaces View
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