Discovery Dashboard - Assets

Discovery Dashboard—Assets

Exploring the Discovery Dashboard: Assets View

The Discovery Dashboard is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into the assets and technologies present in your network. 

The Assets View is a crucial component of the dashboard, displaying various asset-related components and offering actions to manage them effectively. This guide will walk you through the key sections and functionalities of the Assets View.

Assets: Assets include the cloud assets, SaaS assets, URLs, APIs, certificates, and net blocks, along with the devices that are connected to the network.

Technologies: All files, libraries, third-party software, hosting technologies, CMS, etc. fall under this category.

         The Discovery Dashboard

Assets View: Walkthrough

Below is an overview of the different sections of the Assets View.

                                           The Assets View: Walkthrough

Let us take a look at each section:

Section 1

This section displays the discovered workspace and the total number of assets found.


                                   Discovered Workspace

Section 2

The main menu of the Assets View provides essential details for each asset, including the following:

The Assets View Menu

  1. Check Box(es): Checkboxes allow users to select multiple entries, enabling bulk actions on the selected assets.
  2. Criticality of the AssetThis indicates the business criticality level assigned to each asset, helping prioritize and manage exposures based on their importance to the organization.
  3. AssetThe list displays all assets discovered by the Securin ASM Recon engine, including cloud assets, SaaS assets, URLs, APIs, certificates, net blocks, and connected devices.
  4. Exposure of the AssetThis shows the total number of exposures associated with each asset, which includes vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
  5. IP Address of the AssetThe assigned IP address(es) for each asset are displayed, providing essential network identification details.

Multiple IP Addresses for an Asset Seen in the Assets View

  1. Service(s)This column indicates the port service(s) associated with each asset, giving insight into the specific services running on the asset.
  2. Underlying ProtocolThe protocol used by each asset for communication is shown, providing information on how it interacts within the network.
  3. Associated TagsUser-defined tags can be added to assets for better organization and categorization, making it easier to group and manage related assets.
  4. First Seen: This field specifies when each asset was first discovered within the network, helping to track the asset's presence over time.
  5. OwnedThis column indicates the ownership status of each asset, distinguishing between assets owned by the organization and those shared with others.
  6. ActionsThe Actions column provides various options to perform actions related to each asset, such as removing, tagging, changing criticality, and more.

  1. The menu items in the Assets View can vary depending on the main category selected. The view provides different details and options for cloud Assets, saaS Assets, URLs, APIs, certificates, net blocks, and connected devices. This dynamic menu ensures that users can access relevant actions and information specific to the asset type they are exploring.
  2. Clicking any item in the Assets View will direct you to the Detailed View screen for that particular asset. The Detailed View offers more in-depth information about the selected asset, including its configurations, vulnerabilities, associated risks, and other relevant data. This feature allows users to obtain a comprehensive understanding of individual assets and manage them effectively within the network.

Section 3

In the Assets View, you can select multiple assets using the checkboxes next to each asset entry. This feature allows you to perform bulk actions on the selected assets, such as exporting their details.

To export the selected assets, you can use the Export option, which allows you to download the asset details in the form of an Excel sheet or report. This enables you to analyze and share information about the selected assets conveniently.

Additionally, you have the option to bulk refresh assets, excluding domain assets. Bulk refreshing enables you to update and retrieve the latest information about multiple assets at once, ensuring that the data remains accurate and up-to-date. However, please note that domain assets are exempted from bulk refreshing, possibly due to their specific configuration or security considerations.

Selecting One or More Assets View Items

Section 4

This section offers multiple options for working with the asset list, including search, tagging, changing asset criticality, refreshing asset information, removing assets, adding new assets, and more.

  1. Perform a Search                

Performing a Search

  1. Work with Tags

Adding a Tag

  1. Change Criticality

Changing Asset Criticality

4. Refresh Workspace

Refresh Asset Information

5. Remove Asset

Removing an Item

6. Add Asset

Adding an Item 

            8. Share Asset

Sharing an Item 

9. Move Asset

Moving an Item 

     10. More Actions

  1. When you click on "More Actions" for a particular asset, you can perform a "recon" of that asset.
  2. When you click on the three dots, it allows you to access the actions that were available in the previous menu. These actions include removing the asset, adding tags, or removing tags associated with that asset.

More Actions

11. Export List

At the far end of the menu is the Export icon.

Export from Assets View

You can export all assets into an Excel sheet or report using the Export icon. 

Export from Assets View Dropdown Menu

When you click on "Export All" in the Assets View, all the details of the assets present in the view will be downloaded into the Reports section of the platform under the "Archives" category. This feature allows you to access and review the exported data later or whenever needed.

Additionally, a copy of the exported file will be saved in your system downloads folder. This enables you to have a local copy of the exported data for offline access or for sharing with others outside the platform.

By providing both the option to store the exported data within the platform and the convenience of downloading a local copy, the platform ensures that users have easy access to the asset information whenever required, promoting better asset management and analysis.


Here is an example of how the "All Entities" download appears.

All Entities Sample

Additionally, you can selectively export details of specific assets by choosing the Export Selected option.

  1. Select the assets you want to download by checking the box next to each one.
  2. Navigate to the Exports tab.
  3. Click on "Export Selected" to download the chosen assets' details.

Export Selected Option 

  1. After clicking "Export Selected," the details of the selected asset(s) will be available in your download report. This report will contain specific information about the assets you chose to download, allowing you to review, analyze, and utilize the data as needed.

Sample of the Exported Document

12. Change asset criticality

You can adjust the criticality of an asset to prioritize its exposures according to the organization's needs.

In the Assets View, you have the flexibility to adjust or "bump down" the criticality level of specific assets when needed. This option is beneficial when you want to prioritize exposures from other more critical assets, and the selected asset can take a less important role in comparison.

By reducing the criticality level of an asset, you can effectively manage the security focus and resources according to the asset's significance within your organization's overall security strategy. This feature allows you to fine-tune the asset's priority and ensure that your security efforts align with your specific risk management goals.

To change the severity or criticality of an asset from the Assets View, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll to the "Criticality" column of the asset in the Assets View.
  2. Click on the criticality arrow, which will show a list of severity categories.
  3. Select the severity level you would like to assign to the asset from the available options.
  4. The platform will update the criticality of the asset based on your selection.
  5. A pop-up notification will appear on the screen, providing the status of the update task.
  6. The updated criticality level will be reflected in the Assets View, allowing you to prioritize exposures based on the asset's new severity.

Change Asset Severity from the Assets View

Updated Criticality

13. Sort through the list

When you move the cursor to each menu header, an arrow appears next to it. Clicking it allows you to sort the entries by the header, in ascending or descending order.

To sort through the list in the Assets View, you can use the sorting feature provided by the platform. Here's how it works:

  1. Move the cursor to each menu header in the Assets View.
  2. When you hover over a menu header, an arrow will appear next to it, indicating that the column can be used for sorting.
  3. Clicking the arrow allows you to sort the entries by that specific header, either in ascending or descending order.
  4. If the arrow is facing upward, it means the entries are sorted in ascending order based on that column.
  5. If the arrow is facing downward, it means the entries are sorted in descending order based on that column.

Entries Arranged by Assets in the Ascending Order

Once you sort the entries in the Assets View based on a specific column, a corresponding arrow will appear next to that column's header. The arrow indicates the sorting order applied to the rows in the view.

If the arrow is facing upwards (▲), it signifies that the entries are sorted in ascending order based on the values in that column. In ascending order, the smallest or earliest values will appear at the top of the list, while the largest or latest values will be at the bottom.

If the arrow is facing downwards (▼), it indicates that the entries are sorted in descending order based on the values in that column. In descending order, the largest or latest values will be at the top of the list, and the smallest or earliest values will appear at the bottom.

This visual indicator of the sorting order helps you quickly identify how the entries are organized in the Assets View and enables you to easily switch between ascending and descending order to view the assets based on different criteria as per your requirements.

The rows Are Ordered by Criticality in the Descending Order. 

The Maximum Criticality of an Asset in the Scanned Network Is 4. 

Section 5

The Action menu allows you to perform various operations on the assets. These actions are accessible by clicking the three dots at the right end of each row.

Actions from the Assets View—1


Additionally, the Actions menu can also be accessed by selecting specific assets and then choosing options next to the Search icon. This allows for easy access to the actions related to the selected assets, streamlining the process of managing and interacting with individual assets.

                     Actions from the Assets View—2

  1. Adding Assets
  1. Removing Assets
  2. Adding Tags
  3. Removing Tags
  4. Filters
  5. Refresh Assets
  6. Share Assets
  7. Move Assets

Customize what you see

At the bottom of the Assets View page, you will find the option to customize what you see, allowing you to tailor the display according to your preferences. The page layout provides the following information:

  1. The number of assets in the network (results)
  2. The number of assets currently shown on each page (rows per page)
  3. The page you are currently on

To customize your view, you can adjust the number of assets displayed on a page by changing the "Rows Per Page" setting. This feature allows you to control the amount of information visible at a time, providing a more efficient and personalized browsing experience.

Customize What You See

Additionally, clicking on any asset in the Assets View will take you to the Detailed View, where you can explore more comprehensive information about the selected asset. Further details about the Detailed View will be covered in the subsequent sections, enhancing your understanding and management of individual assets.

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